On Thursday, April 15th Action Team members and IMPACT staff partnered to share the story of ongoing school transformation at Piney Branch Elementary School.
Listening to the story were administrators from six Montgomery County schools:
Richard Rhodes, Sligo Middle
Joe Rubens, Jr., Colonel E. Brooke Lee Middle
Ruth Green, John F. Kennedy High
Aara Davis-Jones, Georgian Forest Elementary
Adrienne Morrow, East Silver Spring Elementary
Carmen Van Zutphen, Bel Pre Elementary
Also in attendance was Bronda Mills, Community Superintendent of the Downcounty Consortium.
Chapter. 1 What Does IMPACT Do?
IMPACT Executive Director, Frankie Blackburn, began the story with the big picture. She explained the organization's mission as one of closing the gaps that often exist between diverse people--gaps that result in cultures that work for some to the exclusion of others.
How do you close those gaps? It often requires . . . change.
Chapt. 2 IMPACT's Theory of Transformation
IMPACT has been working in the community for years to bring about the kind of change (transformation) that results in neighborhoods, institutions, and organizations working equally well for everyone. Although the positive impact can be on entire systems, the "change" begins with individuals.
The story continued with the sharing of IMPACT's theory of transformation.

Chapter 3. Transforming a School
So, IMPACT took its Theory of Transformation and (in partnership with a courageous principal) decided to apply it to closing the achievement gap in one local elementary school. How did we do it?
By creating an Action Team that:
> Brought together 14 diverse parents, teachers, and administrators.
> Kicked off with intense relationship-building at an overnight retreat.
> Embarked on a 9-month journey of bi-weekly sessions facilitated to help team members:
- craft a new school vision,
- build relationships of trust,
- define multiculturalism,
- create safe spaces for difficult conversations,
- effectively move into action.
Chapter 4. A Happy Ending?
Yes, we have a story to tell, but it's not a fairy tale. The diverse school stakeholders on the Action Team are certainly modeling a new way of problem-solving in a multicultural environment. And, they are definitely initiating projects that will sustain change and honor the school's diversity. But, there is much work yet to be done. The Action Team will be continuing at Piney Branch for the 2010 - 2011 school year.
Keep following this blog to read the sequel and find out if this work moves beyond Piney Branch and into other school communities!
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