The most important part of this experience for me was the retreat. To be honest, when I came to the retreat I was rather cautious, feeling that I wouldn't have anything to talk about for two days. The early conversations made me feel even more isolated, as it became clear that the group as a whole had a strong religious / spiritual foundation which I did not share. However, several of the sharing and trust building exercises helped me see the human experiences I had in common with people, and in the end I talked about non-belief with the

Often, living in Montgomery County, I feel like I'm walking back and forth on a daily basis between two different counties -- one very diverse community at Montgomery College and on the metrobus and at Action Team meetings, and a different and less diverse community at Girl Scouts and carpools and play dates and doctors' offices. Takoma Park is filled with people of good will, but good will without actual exposure and activity doesn't get you very far. It would be amazing to see the kinds of trust-building experiences we went through repeated on a smaller scale in, for example, the PTA, or among parents within homerooms.
I also feel that my ties to the school itself have been strengthened. Ten years ago, I pulled my two older children out of this same school after meeting with teachers and counselors, and I continued homeschooling them through graduation. I decided to try the school again with my daughter (now in third grade) but I was skeptical. When I found out about the Action Team, I decided to join partly to try to avert another meltdown. Hearing so much about the school and its efforts has certainly allayed many of my concerns, and knowing that the school administration is open to changes and improvements has been *hugely* important in helping me be more comfortable.
So, thank you everyone who has made this possible and participated along the way. Can't wait to see how the rest of the year goes...
It is a true delight for me to serve as a facilitator for this amazing team of Piney Branch Elementary educators and parents. Karen has captured what is possible when we bring together a group of diverse stakeholders who care deeply about the children they parent and teach.