Thursday, November 12, 2009

Action Projects in Pictures!

Parent Teacher Conferences at PBES

Outside it was drizzling and cold, but inside it was warm and friendly. Yes, I'm talking about inside Piney Branch Elementary School! PBES held its parent-teacher conferences on the rainy days of November 11th and 12th.

If you've been following this blog, you know that the Piney Branch Action Team has been focused on these conferences for the past several weeks. The goal for Action Team members has been to come up with relatively simple, doable projects to help strengthen the parent-teacher relationship building component of conferences.

The Team developed projects that would help parents be more prepared for the conferences, feel more welcomed upon arrival at school, learn more about school staff, and evaluate the impact on conference experience of the different projects. Here are pictures from the two days. We'd love to hear what you think. Post a comment!

A family watches the video blog in the media center. The blog features school staff (teachers, administrators, paraeducators, office staff, specialists) sharing a bit about their personal lives. The blog is meant to help parents make personal connections to teachers.

A parent receives her child's report card before going into the parent-teacher conference. This is a change from the past when parents received report cards during the conference. This gives parents a bit of time to process their child's performance prior to going into the conference. This should help foster a more productive conversation between parent and teacher.

Piney Branch principal Mr. Generlette poses with a family post-conference.

Lora offers a conference evaluation form to a parent. Evaluations were designed to gauge the impact of Action Team projects on parents' conference experience. Action Team members will review the feedback from these evaluations.

Tebabu acts as the Piney Branch Action Team ambassador. He was in the school lobby both days to engage parents--sharing with them information on the conferences and the Action Team.

Cathy and Tracey set-up a hospitality table full of international goodies while a teacher helps himself.

Janice turns in her evaluation form along with many other parents.

Cathy had students in after-care make a poster for the lobby. They did a great job!

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