Stephens here, Lanita's summer intern. I'm helping Lanita write a
final report for this pilot year of the Action Team and I want to hear
what you all have to say about it!
We're interested in what everyone thought were the original goals of
the program, if these goals were achieved, or if maybe they turned
into other goals. Did certain events make more of an impact than
others? What are some of your fondest memories of the year? Have any
of your opinions on the school system changed/stayed the same? What
recommendations would you have for others interested in being apart of
an Action Team at their school?
Please reply to whatever questions pop out at you and elaborate on
anything else you feel is relevant to the program. The more people
that reply, the more accurate our report will be, helping us to
possibly reach out to other schools and undoubtably make next year's
Action Team at PBES even more affective than it was this year.
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